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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

After the Chapter 4 Assessment

After the chapter 4 assessment go to quizlet using the link provided and study the vocabulary words from chapter 7. You are also going to create a foldable of these words to be stapled into page 30 of your notebook. Fold your paper and design it using the example that is taped on the wall back by the notebooks. Copy the definitions on Quizlet into your foldable under the column labeled "definition."

Make sure to staple it into page 30 or your notebook, this will be your ticket out of here.

Finished with writing the definitions?

Cognitive Tutor!

School ID: academy of irving-75038
Username: first name last name


You can finish the Chapter 4 Review to re-take the ch. 4 assessment starting on Friday.

Quizlet link:
