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Sunday, October 3, 2010

2.4: Biconditional Statements

PowerPoint and Notes

Go to Blackboard and watch the PowerPoint for 2.4: Biconditional Statements.
It is under class Information. Complete the notes handout that follow the PowerPoint. Watch the PowerPoint after you are done with your TEKS check or if you were absent the day we went over this lesson.


After you are done filling out the notes and watching the PowerPoint then start the Gizmo for Biconditional Statements.

1. Go to explorelearning.com
2. login, if you have never logged in before then make an accout (use your computer sign in for your username and password)
3. Have you enrolled in my class? If not, then here are the class codes for all my classes, so find your period and then use that class code to enroll:

4. Once you get logged-in and enrolled click on the "Biconditional Statements" Gizmo.
5. All the instructions you need are on the 2nd piece of paper in the handout for the PowerPoint. The directions tell you which tab to be on and which category to be in under the drop down menu, so read everything carefully.

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