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Let's get ready to work so we can make up all the snow days we missed and get ready for TAKS.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1-1: Points, Lines, and Planes stations

What a great two days of school we just had. I hope all of you are just as excited as I about the coming year together. Everyone sounded eager to try doing more group work and discovery labs. I hope that the rest of your classes went well.

Today we are going to start working on 1-1: Points, Lines, and Planes. For this lesson we are going to set up stations that you will be rotating through. This blog is going to provide you with the directions for each station, so depending on which station you are on, those are the directions you will read. Remember, you might not start on Station 1, so you might not be reading the first set of directions.

Station 1: 1-1 Foldable


interactive notebook
1 piece of paper


1. Fold the paper and set it up with the correct headings like the example paper on the table.
2. Now, as a group discuss appropriate definitions to fill in the column titled "Group Definition".
3. sketch an example of each vocabulary word in the column "sketches"
4. Try and fill in the "notation and example" column as a group, we will go over this as a class
5. When you foldable is complete, staple it into page 3 of your interactive notebook. We are adding it to 1-1: vocab in the Table of Contents.

Station 2: Quizlet




1. Click on the following link http://quizlet.com/2599722/1-1-2-vocab-flash-cards/
2. Use Quizlet to practice the vocabulary words from 1-1 and 1-2. First use "Learn" to practice matching definitions with the word. Then, play "scatter" for more matching, and finally "race space" will test your quick association with the words and definitions. At the end, "test" your knowledge you have gained.
3. If you still have time, play "scatter" and "race space" again.

Station 3: PowerPoint examples


interactive notebook


1. Login into BlackBoard 9 and enroll into my class, search: Everson. You are enrolling in "Everson Geometry"
2. Click the "Content" tab on the left of your screen. Open the PowerPoint for station 3.
3. Make sure to put your drawings and responses from the PowerPoint on page 5 of your interactive notebook. Title the page "1-1: station 3 PowerPoint" and put this title in your Table of Contents.

Station 4: Project


interactive notebook


1. Go to Everson Geometry in Blackboard 9. If you are not already enrolled do so now. If you need assistance enrolling in the class just ask Ms. Everson.
2. Click the "Content" tab on the left of the screen. Then click on the heading "Points, Lines, Planes Project" document and read through your expectations for the project.
3. The due date for the project is on the paper, ask Ms. Everson for a hard copy when you get to the bottom of the paper.

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