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Monday, August 30, 2010

1.2: Line Segments and Midpoint

One week down. We just completed our first full week of school and everything went great! All the geometry classes are going well, some may be more social than others, but everyone is friendly and respectful. We just finished the lab for 1.2, I hope that you enjoyed working in groups to solve problems and discover new postulates (the big ideas from the lesson). There is going to be much more of that to come this year.

Here are some questions about material in 1.2 that we covered in the lab. Use your 1.2 lab handout to help you answer the questions and always use complete sentences. You can record your answers in the google document that I created, right click and open it in a new tab, here is the link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHgtRmFJV2RaTzBzcHJxRFBUc2pzOFE6MQ

1. If point N is at-4 and point O is at 2, find the distance between the two points. Use the 2nd postulate we discussed in the lab to answer the question.

After giving the answer, please describe how you found it. Use complete sentences.

2. When reviewing the first postulate that we discussed in the 1.2 lab (the ruler postulate), what does "one-to-one correspondence" mean. Please explain in complete sentences.

3. Why is 4 the midpoint between 0 and 8?

4. Point J is between I and K. IJ is 11 cm and JK is 4, find IK.

(draw a picture on a piece of scratch paper to help solve)

Answer the question and explain how you found it. What postulate did you use to solve this problem? Use your 1.2 lab handout and answer in complete sentences.

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